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Spring cleaning

By 6:32 AM

Spring cleaning, both love and hate it. Love how it looks and feels in the end, hate doing it... But today I did it... ( I had to do something else and all of a sudden it didn´t seem to bad cleaning...) Any how this is how it looked before and after.


I hope this will give you some sort of inspiration and knowing that my room looks way worse then yours... So in short this is what I do when I "clean" in general.

1. Put all the dirty or semi dirty cloths in the lundryroom.
2. Throw away all the crap and stuff you just don´t use, this goes for clothes too... But if they are okej, give them to someone how will use them.
3. Vacuum.
4. change sheets, curtains and I also change the place of my lanterns.
5. When spring/ fall cleaning I try to change my wardrobe. The cloth that is more summery comes forward now and back in September. This saves allot of wardrobe space if you like me have a small one.
6. One last tip is to take one place at the time or it´s easy to get overwhelmed. Start with the desk, then the bed and then the wardrobe. You get the picture. And the good thing about this is if you don´t finish it all in one day you can at last say that the desk is clear.
And here you see my own IRL pin board. It´s just cute pics I´ve printed out. All the pics comes from this board: http://pinterest.com/juliakallen/petz/
And I know I have spelled the word Before wrong, but it´s all right because I have some form of dyslexia so I can blame it on that ;)
Love Julia
p.s. The blog got a bit of the spring cleaning as well, though I fund it was a bit hard to read so I hope you like this new design. :)

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