Baby Bom
Today the sun has been out so we decided to eat outside. I took on my winter coat, some tennis shoes and slided down the driveway (or ice rink) My little brother loves making up fires so we barbecue some sausages. I grow up with this types of lunches and I don´t think there is anything that taste better then barbecued sausages out in the sunshine.
So the other day I talked about down days and that sometimes it´s not so much days but down periods. I don´t say that I´ve deep down lately but I´ve haven´t been very up ether. It´s amazing however what a little bit of sunshine can do for you. In a country like Sweden you have a real winter so allot of us get a bit down without the sun. So when March comes around all we want is for the snow to melt away and the birds to start singing.
And I just wanted to share with you all some new comers at our school. Here are two baby lambs that are just a couple of weeks old and aren´t they the cutest things. This is one of the best things about going on an agricultural school, all the baby's coming now and soon the foals will come. I´ll keep you posted on the baby bom.
Love Julia