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Cute vintage looking frame

By 11:59 PM

 Hello everyone today I though I would shear with you how I re-painted an old frame. I got this frame from my grand mother cause she never used it. I though that I would try Panduros crackle glaze. (found it in English for you here: http://www.pandurohobby.co.uk/Catalogue/20-Painting-Drawing/2080-Varnish/208010-Crackle-Glaze/1/990690-Crackle-glaze-50-ml )

So I started with painting the frame with a lilac/ pinkish color. This is the color the will show though the cracks.

Then when the paint is dry I go over the frame with the crackle glaze. This is going to dry for two hours.

After the two hours paint with another color. I took a white one. The paint has to be an water based acrylic. To remember is that the crackle will start right away so don´t go over the same area more than once if you can.

I´m really happy with the end result and here I just put in some pic I´ve on this board http://pinterest.com/juliakallen/petz/ .
Love Julia

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