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Project Life week 12

By 4:35 AM


It feels so good going in to week 13 and having week 12 done! Not that I was very late last week but I just really love doing my project life on Sundays. And I have to say I´m so happy with the colors for this week, purple, navy blue and light green! I just really love cool colors.

 I always try to fit in movie tickets, either like this or in my month pocket. (I have a 6*8 pocket for each month to put stuff, like movie tickets, postcards and misc.)
 Here is just a 3*4 from my watercolor play.
 The other day we had a really pretty sunset so I had to head out and capture our lake. And turning around, our house with cotton-candy pink clouds. 
 I love the Lucky Charm Value Kit and really wanted to use it for this week, but  I also took in a 4*6 Love Note card to balance the colors
 When I first got the Sn@p pockets I wasn´t sure i would ever use them, and not use them all. But I have! They are great and so fun to work with, adding 2 extra photos without any bulk or fill it with glitter and sequins. 

Love Julia

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