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#fjinmyplanner week 15

By 12:44 AM , ,

I love that you get printables in your Felicity Jane subscription, like a entrĂ©e before the real kit comes. When I printed these from the "ChloĂ©" kit I knew I had to add them to this weeks spread. 

I have a personal sized Websters Pages Color Crush in Teal Strip with just the calendars in it. I don't use the other inserts and it gives me more room to play with fun things. 
  I knew I wanted to use that flower and it was perfect for my brothers birthday. The banner shapes are just so cute and it feels so spring-y! The yellow-doted card I punched holes in and I think I might add a photo of brother there from his birthday. 

 I'm a huge goal setter and every week I have a few things I want to focus on, those goes in the "week box". Every time I do one thing I get to draw a line, which is oddly satisfying... 

Now that spring has come to us in the north I want to add flowers and happy-colors everywhere and this kit really delivers on that! Now I really can't wait to get the kits!!

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