Welcome to our website !

Big things are happening!

By 6:36 AM ,

So many things are happening now and I am so happy and slightly nerves. I'm starting a new school and that means a slight change in youtube-schedule. There still be two video every week, but now in the weekend.
The all of the pretty new stuff are starting to come to the store, ready for us to do some shopping. I have a few *allot* on my wish list and some projects planed using this.
I have also started to plan my December album, using the Crate paper "Snow & Cocoa" I have pre-orderd these at Mei Li Paperie
Aslo I have signed up for Andreas new Traveler notebook class and I'm so exited to see all of her fun ideas!

And I also wanted to say a big thank you, to all subscribers and watchers!

Love Julia

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