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Monday mini haul...

By 1:40 AM

No project today just a quick update before I and Britta head off to Bollebygd. So I was at my chiropractor at 8:20 and lets just say I will go back on Friday.... It turns out that falling of horses is not good for your back, how know? Well any way on my way home I stopped at the supermarket to pick up some important stuff before we go.

As you can see all very necessary things. There is some baby-wipes to have on my desk. Some glitter and rhinestones, I don´t think I need explaining that. Gold and silver pens and a magazine, I hardly ever buy them but this one seems to be right up my ally. The gums are for me and the Rollinis are for Britta. I allso got some shampoo, wonder where I put that?

So to finish this off, I hope you´ll have a great week and I´ll be back on Thursday. And if you miss my to much then hop on over to youtube Here and check out my first video ;)
Love Julia

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