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Fair-time!- Hem & Trädgårdsmässa

By 2:05 PM ,

 O yes it´s that time of the year; Fairs!
I what better then to start of the season with the "Hem & trädgårdsmässan"(Home & garden fair) in Åhaga  Borås?!

I convinced my aunt to go with me... I wasn´t very hard. She has as of last year a summer house and she is redoing it from floor yo sealing and I thought this would be perfect for her!

We have such similar taste it´s almost funny when we point at the same thing.
 My aunt loves this stuff, it´s "Havtorn" and it´s some kind of super-power berry. It taste really good!
 This was just such a cute idea 
 I just love this guys!
 There wasn´t very many furniture and the ones that was there where 90% for the outdoors. But this set is just so chic, talk about bringing the inside out!

How ever I do have to say I was a bit let down with this fair, it was small and frankly I had thought it to be more home decor and landscaping and a bit less about books and food... (It´s not everyday I have anything bad to say about too much books & food) Any way there was some good stuff there but I do have to think twice before going next year...

Love Julia

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