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LedarCamp 2014

By 8:53 AM

Let me tell you about my weekend. Friday and 12 o'clock a bus drove from Gothenburg to Värmland with 30 young leaders. Young leader that all had won a place at  Leader Camp 2014 in Värmland Sweden. All of this are leaders for young kids in different sports, from horses to shooting.
Four and half hours later 60 young leader meet for the first time on the mansion Dömle in Värmland. The only thing we had in common was that we love working with sports and kids. We were all given a name badge with our name, sport and district.

So from Friday to Sunday we had so much fun with games, competitions and lectures. It really was inspiring to here different top trainers talk about what they thought was most important. And they all said that attitude and respect for yourself and others is the highest priority if you want to succeed in anything.

Together we discussed allot about the difference between our sports and what we want to change. We all had different opinions but non tried to change the others. We just wanted to hear what the other had to say. I have never been in such a large group where everyone and different opinions and everybody accepted each-other.

Dömle Mansion 
The gang from Västergötland, me on the left ;)

Here is the reasons why we keep being leaders

Team Sneaks!

The hole camp
The people that I meet this weekend are people that I will never forget, so many laughs and memories.

-11+ hours on bus
-amazing food
-Unbelievable dance-routines
That is "LedarCamp 2014" and I would definitely do it all over if I could! 

(I didn´t take any photos! I´m shock too! so this are from the facebook group) 

Love Julia

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