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One Little Word 2016: Act- scrapbook process

By 5:04 AM , , ,

Every year I, like many others, sit down and make goals or resolutions for the new year. For example last year I really wanted to restart my french studies and even though it was hard and slow at first before I found the right way, I did it. For this year I picked a word. This word "came to me" in november/ december and I just thought it was so perfect for 2016; ACT/ AGERA in swedish.

This word mean allot right now, I have had the fibromyalgi-diagnoses for about a year and it has been hard, the years before till now. I'm finally starting to feel better and stronger and determined to find ways to become even better, stronger and more normal... The word act is a wish of that. A wish, a hope and a disire to be more active, physically and mentally. 
 I want this word to inspire me to dare more and push my limits, in a good and healthy way. I want this word to encourage me to go out and walk, to read and to paint. 
This year I will make an effort not only thinking about this word but to work with it. I find somethings so hard to do, overwhelming to do. Have been still for so long, in so much pain the most ordinary things seams like mountains to climb.  That is what I hope will change, the more I do, act the less intimidating the mountains will seam. (i hope)
 Act is my one little word for 2016 (though it feels huge) I don´t have any "musts", pages or stuff to do. This is just for me, to make me feel better... and hopefully inspire you.

Love Julia

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