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By 2:17 AM , , ,

Hello! It´s Monday and I have just come home from my second visit at my new physiotherapist. Apparently when you ride horses you are supposed to sit on them and not fall of. Well I have fallen of a few times and my back is quite damaged. So now I go to this physiotherapist and get electricity in my back and it´s so nice! It will take some time before I can start working out and building up the muscles but that´s okej with me.

But that is not why I started writing this post, I have a little birdhouse to show you! It´s made from a toilet paper roll and papers from "all that spring".

 It´s made with allot flowers, button and pearls. My favorite part is the roof with part paper and part book-pages and some glitter! So much shabby chic!
I hope you like it and that you all have a great week!

Love Julia

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