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Borås Djurpark

By 4:06 AM , ,

Yesterday, 14 of February, my dad, little brother and I went to Borås Zoo. I just love going there and is one of the best things about living in Borås. So we strolled around and had a really nice day. So I tough you might wanted to see some of the animals and their babes!

Can we start with this African goat? She is the cutest! If I ever got a goat it would be this one.

 The giraffes seemed to have a romantic dinner, sheering a floating basket of hay.
 And they have a baby, I think it´s a he, not even a month old :) So cute but he didn´t look too happy.
 And the elephants have a mini too!
 I don´t know if I just love the zebras because of their look or that they are striped horses?!
 But in any case, they are beautiful!
 But there is nothing wrong with spots ;)
 Got a feeling that I wasn´t the only one alone on valentines...
 His friend seemed to flirt more with the ones on the other side of the glass ;)
 At lest the seal have each other
 And the bunnies snuggled up together. <3
I hope that you had a good valentines and that if you ever end up in Borås, you visit the Zoo!

O and I have a new video up in YouTube, you can click here on the sidebar :)
Love Julia

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